Posted by: CS | January 25, 2014

The Ukrainian Protest the Western Media Won’t Report

The Globe and Mail reports that:

Western countries, including Canada, warned Ukraine’s government they may impose sanctions or other punitive measures as increasingly violent anti-government protests turned deadly.

Canada has called Ukraine’s ambassador on the carpet, The Globe and Mail has learned, as Ottawa and Washington appear to be consulting the European Union on whether to impose sanctions that would target those in power in Kiev.

A protester throws a Molotov cocktail during an anti-government protest in downtown Kiev. Source

A protester throws a Molotov cocktail during an anti-government protest in downtown Kiev. Source

Apparently the democratically elected and legitimate government of the Ukraine is not submitting fast enough to Molotov-cocktail-throwing pro-EU activists backed by US/NATO/EU/WTO terrorists.

Ukraine is deeply divided between the ethnically Russian East and the ethnically Ukrainian West.

The political map of Ukraine, showing the solid support for the present government in the Eastern, ethnically Russian portion of the country. Source.

The political map of Ukraine, showing the solid support for the present government in the Eastern, ethnically Russian portion of the country. Source.

Not all protestors in Kiev oppose the government, just the ones featured in the Western media and backed by that old terrorist Senator Bomb-Iran McCain and EU Foreign Policy Chief Dame Catherine Ashton.

Pro-government demonstrators are the folks demonstrating in a civilized and legal fashion urging American provocateurs to go home.

Ukrainians demonstrate against US interference in Ukraine's internal affairs. Source.

Ukrainians demonstrate against US interference in Ukraine’s internal affairs. Source.

The effect of Western intervention in the Ukraine is likely to result in the partition of the country, the Eastern half, including the naval base at Sevastapol going to Russia.

But Kiev, the ancient capital of Russia, located within the region known as Little Russia (home of Russian novelist, Nikolai Gogol), which is, in turn,  located within the Ukrainian-majority portion of the country would likely be a focus of contention.

Little Russia. Home of Russian novelist Nikolai Gogol. Source.

Little Russia. Home of Russian novelist Nikolai Gogol. Source.

Will Russia calmly let go, or provide the government of Ukraine with all necessary military support including a fleet of truck-mounted tactical nuke missiles, while threatening to cut off Europe’s gas supply. If so, they’ll presumably wait for a cold snap.

What’s truly astonishing about the media coverage of these developments is that the Globule and other globalist, corporate-controlled, Western media outlets think the public can be roused to indignation in support of crude and violent Western intervention in the internal affairs of a non-EU/NATO nation.

An analogy with what is happening in the Ukraine would have been if the Russian Foreign Minister, Lavrov, had incited Molotov-cocktail-throwing terrorists during the Occupy Wall Street demonstrations in New York. Now think how the big minds of the Western equivalents of the old Soviet newspapers Pravda and Izvestia would have handled that.

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